Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Chapel

New chapel at St. Joseph High School

Installation of a Pastor

Bishop Herbert Bevard installed Fr. Anthony Abraham as pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and he also confirmed LaNique Charles and Monique Edward on Aug. 19, 2012. Retired Bishop Elliott Thomas was also in attendance.

Annual Jesus Explosion

A delegation of about 36 people from the Virgin Islands attended The Jesus Explosion  in Trinidad from 
July 20-22, 2012.
Twenty-one youth and eight leaders and chaperones from Our Lady of Mount Carmel on St. John attended. The other delegates included a young adult from St. Croix; one young adult, two children and three adults from St. Thomas.
The theme was “Strive to enter through the narrow gate” Luke 13:24.

65th Annual Cassi Hill Pilgrimage Procession

On Aug. 12, the annual Cassi Hill Pilgrimage procession was held from Four Winds Plaza to the shrine. A Mass followed the procession.

65th Anniversary of the Our Lady of Cassi Hill Gala

Holy Family Church celebrated the 65thanniversary of the Our Lady of Cassi Hill Pilgrimage on Aug 11
A gala dinner was held on Aug. 11 at Sugar Bay Beach Resort. The honorees were pastors of Holy Family. They were: Msgr. Jerome Feudjio, Fr. Jose Herrera, Fr. Brian Kiely, Fr. Simon Peter Opira, Fr. Neil Scantlebury and retired Bishop Elliott Thomas.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Catholic Home Mission Team Visits

The Catholic Home Mission Team visits the Diocese. Bishop Bevard and Jerry Esterson with Bishop Warfel and Ms Campbell are pictured above.

50th Anniversary of a Sister

Sister Loretta, MC, (right) celebrated her 50th anniversary as a consecrated sister. Bishop Bevard and Fr. John Juszczak joined the community to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving at their convent on August 9, 2012 .

Golden Jubilee

Sister Florine Bailey, ICM celebrated her golden jubilee as a Missionary Sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Patrick's Church, St. Croix.  Bishop Bevard  Greeted Sister Florine during the reception

Sister Florine Bailey at the Reception, in celebration for her Golden Jubilee on St. Croix.